Legs Up Wall
1. Begin by kneeling with heels and glutes touching a wall. If you're using a mat or towel for extra comfort, kneel to the left of your mat.
2. Using your hands for support, drop your hips to the floor on the right of your legs.
3. Draw your knees into your chest and roll onto your back, keeping glutes in contact with the wall.
4. Straighten your legs up the wall, resting with legs slightly apart to enable breathing into the bottom of the lungs. Experiment with different leg positions to find a comfortable place. Rest in the pose for 1-3 minutes, breathing in and out deeply through the nose.
Legs Up Wall pose is an inversion. It is thought that by reversing our natural posture we can gain new insights, as well as finding the posture to be very relaxing to tired feet, legs, and low backs. I hope you find this pose to be as rejuvenating as I do.
Note: Legs Up Wall pose is an inversion. Inversions are not recommended for those with medical conditions such as high blood pressure or for pregnant women. If you have any questions regarding the safety of the pose, please consult your physician.
sounds good, and looks relaxing.